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China expands trade benefits for Bangladeshi goods; 383 products added to Zero-tariff list

China and Bangladesh have agreed to expand trade benefits to the inclusion of 383 new products Bangladesh is set to enjoy duty free excess of 90% 98% of its product to China one of the largest global economies in the world .

China expands trade benefits for Bangladeshi goods; 383 products added to Zero-tariff list

And the largest in Asia Bangladeshi products especially leather and Leather goods are now on the zero treatment list the new number product enjoying the duty free access now stands at more than 8900 according to a senior official Bangladesh government manufacturer and exporters Association China Offers zero tariff access for a number Bangladeshi products including readymade garment Bangladesh garment industry is crucial to its economy .

China also gives Bangladesh heavy concessions on a number of fish and fish products so plastic table and Kitchenware vegetables and fruits 2% of goods produced by Bangladesh still out of Chinese duty free access list this includes Chemicals transport vehicles machinery make mechanical appliances electrical machinery and paper.

Economic ties between Dhaka and Beijing are vital to Bangladesh economic prosperity. In may in this year China once again emerged as a top trading partner for Bangladesh. Now according to the Bangladesh Bank the country total companies for imports from China in financial year 2021 amounted to about 13 billion dollars which is 14 other countries import expenditure the same time it exports in 681 million dollars worth of good.

An increase over 15% of the preceding year Bangladesh says its exports from the textile sector increase over the years especially from China and Japan. As China slowly withdraws itself from the Textiles sector at the share Bangladeshi exports in China is also growing .

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