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First Ukraine grain export refused by buyer, ship looking for another port to unload

 Ukraine first grain shipment in more than 5 months was rejected. The buyer in Lebanon cited in extended delivery delay, According to the Ukrainian embassy. " According to the information provided by the  shipper… the buyer in Lebanon refused to accept the cargo due to delay in delivery terms ( more than 5 months)

First Ukraine grain export refused by buyer, ship looking for another port to unload

Facebook post by the Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon August 8,2022. So the shipper is now looking for another consignee to offload his cargo either in Lebanon/ Tripoli or any other country port. The razoni left Odessa on August 1 carrying Ukraine first grain export since Russia invasion with 26,000 tonnes of maize, it was scheduled to arrive in Lebanon on August 7 . It was anchored off Turkey southern coast as of 8 August, according to a ship tracker . Ukraine and Russia had signed a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey.

The agreement promised safe passage to agriculture cargo from 3 Ukrainian ports .

Some 243000 tones of corn has reportedly been exported from Ukraine on 7 ships since August 1 .

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