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Future of 'New Start Treaty,' looks uncertain, Russia halts inspections over western sanctions

 And as tensions continue to escalate between the united state and Russia over the war in Ukraine. Moscow has now announced that it is suspended U.S on-site inspections of  Russian weapons site that was part of the strategic arms reduction pact called the new start Treaty.

Future of 'New Start Treaty,' looks uncertain, Russia halts inspections over western sanctions

The Russian Foreign ministry has issued a statement saying that the United States is currently seeking advantages and is deprived Russia  of the right to carry out inspections on American soil that’s violating the Treaty.

Moscow says that it has become difficult for Moscow to carry out fair inspection  on US sites due to sanctions that include closure of airspace for Russian  planes and visa restrictions on Russian officials . U.S  Russia relations currently at the lowest point since the cold war era and Russia invasion of Ukraine has sparked hostile rhetoric on both sides .

Including warning that the conflict good escalate into a full-fledged nuclear War. The suspension of the new start Treaty comes a week after US President Joe Biden said that he was ready to work on a nuclear arms deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new start Treaty that came into force in 2011 allowed the United States and Russian inspectors to visit each other's nuclear weapon sites to keep a check on the warheads.

The Treaty limits each country is deployed strategic warheads to 1550 poses limits on delivery systems as well it was extended for 5 years in February 2021 and is scheduled to expire and 2026 it is the last remaining on reduction agreement between former cold war rivals. 

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