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India closely monitoring the docking :says S Jaishankar on Chinese spy Ship Yuan Wang 5

 Now India external affairs minister Dr Sj Shank has now said 

That India's closely monitoring the docking of Chinese tracking vessels at Sri Lanka Hambantota port. NaJay Shankar statement came a day after Beijing docked its high tech tracking vessel Yuan Wang 5 at the Lankan port despite security concerns raised by India .

India closely monitoring the docking :says S Jaishankar on Chinese spy Ship Yuan Wang 5

New Delhi as alleged that the vessel is capable of snooping has enabled read more than 750 km with this Beijing can monitor Movement in a number of South Indian ports not only India the United States has also raised concerns over the Chinese vessels . 

In its latest report on the Chinese military the Pentagon said that the Yuan Wang vessels are high-tech ships operated by the People's Liberation Army to monitor satellite rocket and ballistic missile launches. 

The hambantota port where the ship has been docked is run by China whic  Sri Lanka leased it for 99 years for 1.12 to billion dollars . India has repeatedly expressed concerns that China might use the port as a military base to increase its presence in the Indian Ocean.

 All of these developments come as Sri Lanka plunges deeper into economic mess  while China tohas claimed to provide 73 million dollars in aid to the country it has however maintained a steady silence on Columbus' request for a bailout package .

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