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Putin's Fear ? Why Zelensky told military officials to keep Ukraine defense plans under wraps .

 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky  has hit out at his own military officials . He has told them to stop talking to reporters about Kyiv's tactics against Russia . Zelensky said that revealing Ukraine military tactics via remarks was 'Irresponsible. A sper reuters , 

Putin's Fear ? Why Zelensky told military officials to keep Ukraine defense plans under wraps

Zelensky addressed his remarks to state ,local and military officials as well as other people he said were commenting on events at the front .


War is definitely not the time foe vanity and loud statements. The fewer details divulge about pour defence plans . the better it will be for the implementations of those defence plans .If you want to generate loud headlines ,that's one thing -it's frankly irresponsible .If you want victory for Ukraine that is another thing and you should be aware of your responsibility for every word you say about our state 's plans for defence or counter attacks''.

In the wake of major blasts that wrecked a Russian air base in Crime on Tuesday . New York time and Washington post cited official claiming role of Ukrainian forces . The Government in Kyiv , on the other hand declined comment on its role in explosions . Picture 

released by planet labs showed  three-near identical craters where buildings at the air base in Crimea had been stuck . The burnt-out husks of at least eight destroyed warplanes were clearly visible. Russia has steadfastly maintained that there was no attack on the air 

base . Russia has claimed that the explosion was caused by an ammunitions blast. Russia no fatalities at air base and no equipment has been damaged .

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