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World Organ Donation day 2022

 Hello and welcome to the latest update program the topic of discussion is 

World Organ Donation day 2022 

world organ donation day is celebrated on 13th August every year .

The day is aimed at raising awareness about the importance of organ donation and encourage people to take a pledge for the same. Significantly the need for organ transplants is continuously increasing to a great extent which needs more organ donations every year ‘

World Organ Donation day 2022

one organ Donor can save more than eight lives in his life by donating his good functional organs .

The organ which can be successfully transmitted are Kidneys livers, bone marrow, heart, lungs, cornea, pancreas etc through medical treatments.

There are two different types of organ donation 

1)living organ donation :- A living organism is an organ transplant procedure in which a living individual donates one kidney , a portion of the Pancreas.

2) Deceased organ donation:- in the case of deceased organ donation the donors are in the hospital pronounced brain dead or on a ventilator .

The first ever organ donation was done in 1954 when Ranald lee Herrick donated a kidney to his identical twin brother.

 Dr Joseph murray conducted the procedure for which he has also won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine in 1994for advances in organ transplantation . 

India transplantation of human organs and tissues as to regulate organ donation in the country.

 The law allows both deceased and living people to donate their organs .

According to the World Health Organization around 0.01% of people in India donate their organs after death .

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