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Big Collapse! The Russian Army Is About to Disappear Because of Putin


Huge loss of Russia!

 The General Staff of Ukraine officially announces the losses of Russia! The reason for the decisions taken by the occupying Russia in recent days has become clear. 


Big Collapse! The Russian Army Is About to Disappear Because of Putin

Vladimir Putin had made a scandalous decision by trying to invade Ukraine on February 24. In recent days, the background of the mobilization decision taken in Russia has begun to emerge. According to the official statement of the Ukrainian General Staff, the occupying Russia has lost at least 70 thousand soldiers in Ukraine.

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 The Russian army has lost most of the territory it occupied in Kharkov and Kherson since the end of the summer. With the official announcement, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this loss of troops. In Russia, the occupier, which has not announced its losses since March, is expected to have a major crisis after this statement by Ukraine. 

Many Russian soldiers and innocent people have lost their lives because of Putin's decisions. And he keeps losing.

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