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U.S shield for Taiwan, South Korea? Biden dispatches US B-1B Bombers to Guam to deter Xi, Kim


US Airforce Sends B-1B Bombers to Pacific Island 

Biden message to North korea and China amid soaring tensions 

US bomber task forces lands in guam to “ Deter Adversaries”


U.S shield for Taiwan, South Korea? Biden dispatches US B-1B Bombers to Guam to deter Xi, Kim

US Air force B-1B have arrived in guam amid tensions around Taiwan and North Korea . Pentagon said it meant to send a message that United States stand closely with allies .

The US mission is aimed at sending North Korea a message amid reports of nuclear testing . US military aims to demonstrate it is capable of conducting global operations at any time .

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North Korea is tested record number of missiles recently , including firing one over Japan . Officials in US and North Korea worry that Pyongyang is prepared  to resume nuclear testing .

American B-1B bombers previously particpated drills in a show of force against North Korea . During their temporary stay in Guam the bombers will partner with allied forces for drills .

Tensions in the region have escalated also because of China military drills around Taiwan . China is still holding wargames around Taiwan which the US sees as “Grave Provocation'' .

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