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Police: Hotel staff in Goa stabbed and assaulted a Dutch tourist.

 Panaji: According to police officials on Friday, a staff member at a resort in North Goa's Pernem was detained for stabbing and abusing a Dutch tourist as well as injuring another person who rushed to rescue the tourist. The victim has been named as Eurico, while the accused has been named as Abhishek Verma.


Nidhin Valsan  the Superintendent of Police (SP), said "When the complainant began to yell for help after a resort employee broke into her rented tent, a local came to save her from the accused. Upon noticing the local's presence, the accused fled. The accused then returned with a knife, attacked a bystander before attacking the complainant once more before fleeing the scene."

The complainant and a local person were sent to the hospital for treatment, the SP added. "The knife that was used in the crime has been located. Under section 452,354,307,506(II) of the IPC, a FIR has been filed "Nidhin Valsan said. Details are awaited as more investigation is conducted.

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