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Pakistan's per capita income has recorded a decrease of 198 dollars

 In the current financial year, the per capita income of Pakistan recorded a decrease of 198 dollars.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, the per capita income of the current financial year was 1568 dollars, which was 1766 dollars in the previous financial year, while the per capita income decreased by 11.38% in one year.

A decrease of 33.4 billion dollars has been recorded in the overall size of the country's economy, the size of the economy decreased from 375 billion dollars to 341.6 billion dollars in the year 2022-23.

According to the Institute of Statistics, there has been an improvement in the health sector, after which the performance was 8.49 percent against the target of 3 percent. There was also an improvement in the education sector, which after the improvement was 10.44 percent against the target of 4.9 percent. In addition, information and communication. The performance of 6% improved to 6.93%.

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