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According to Washington, Shoigu is looking for weapons from North Korea.

 U.S shigu looking for weapons in North Korea U.S Secretary of State Anthony blinken said that the United States believes Russia's defense minister is in North Korea to secure supplies of weapons to Aid moscow's stalled invasion of Ukraine following Sergey shoigu's arrival on a rare trip to

 Pyongyang Lincoln said that Russia is scrambling to buy arms from allies across the world I strongly doubt he's there on holiday Lincoln told reporters in Australia where he is on a visit to discuss economic and security issues with Pacific island nations we're seeing Russia desperately looking for

 support for weapons wherever it can find them to continue to prosecute its aggression against Ukraine he said we see that in North Korea we see that as well with Iran which has provided many drones to Russia that it's using to destroy civilian infrastructure and with which it killed civilians in Ukraine while in North Korea shoigu met the country's leader Kim Jong-un in what

 pyongyang's state media described as a friendly talk Russia a historic Ally of North Korea is one of a handful of nations with which Pyongyang maintains amicable relations . 

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