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Armenia continues to assist Russia in evading Western sanctions.

Armenia still helps Russia to evade sanctions yerevan's activities that helped Russia evade sanctions were once again exposed Bloomberg agency reported on this according to information the former director of milanda Mikhail pavliuk who fled Russia last summer was sanctioned by the U.S government for his role in an international criminal group that

 smuggled semiconductors to Russia through companies in Taiwan Armenia an Switzerland pavliuk helped smuggle chips from Taiwan to Russia through the Armenian company Miller Electronics which was established two months after Russia's aggression against Ukraine this year U.S and European officials have increased pressure on the Armenian government to limit

 re-exports of semiconductors and other dual use Goods indeed after the start of the war Armenia unexpectedly took fourth place as a country exporting semiconductors to Russia even in April U.S Deputy treasury secretary visited Armenia to prevent Yerevan from helping Russia evade sanctions the EU is also fighting to toughen penalties for governments that

 ignore International sanctions against Russia a coordinated campaign of political as well as economic pressure poses a strong threat to Armenia and other countries many of them rely on constant Imports of American and European Goods to support their economies. 

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