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Through his company, a Russian oligarch sends fighters to the Russian army.

 Russian oligarchs sends fighters to Russian army through his company Russian Russian army through his company Russian Russell is recruiting so-called volunteer soldiers who almost immediately sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of defense and go to war against Ukraine vasney is story

 a Russian media Outlet reported this Russell is one of the world's largest aluminum producers Russo employs job applicants in companies linked to Oleg Dairy paska one example is the private security company Roslin employee signs a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense after

 that the employment contract is suspended so the company can pay bonuses payments from the ministry of Defense are 200 000 rubles approximately 2 180 US Dollars and from wrestling 100 000 rubles approximately 1090 US dollars as they are named on bank statements gratuitous payments are funds to person performing military service under a

 contract The Mercenaries are sent to the soccer volunteer Battalion which is actually part of the Russian army deripaska himself is under sanctions but the himself is under sanctions but the sanctions were lifted from his company when Dairy paska reduced his stake in Russell to below a

 controlling interest in addition to Dairy paska the Russian defense Ministry is supplied with volunteer Soldiers by at least the following companies novatech which belongs to Leonid Mickelson and Gennady timchenko most prom stroi which belongs to Mikhail gutserive Pik group Russia's largest construction company which belongs to Sergey godiv. 


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