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Ukraine's forces have reached Russia's first defence line in the country's south.

 Ukrainian forces reach Russia's first defense line in Ukraine South Ukrainian troops continued offensive operations on the militar and birdiansk fronts reaching the first line of defense of the Russian forces Sergey kuzman Deputy Commander for strategic Communications of the tavria operational and strategic

 group of forces said this Ukrainian troops continue offensive operations near the village of robotine on this front there is an advance of hundreds of meters defensive operations continue on the BoDeans front we have already entered the first line of occupiers and the first line is very difficult but our military is pushing through we are moving forward and this movement is slowed down by minefields and lack of

 Aviation kuzmin stressed kuzmin adds there is a high density of mines and Engineering barriers of Russians on this front the deputy Commander said that there are more and more trained Russians Russian troops pull up from the second line of defense including Marines paratroopers and Special Forces Ukraine is prioritizing its counter-offensive operations in the country's South while for Russia the main direction

 for assaults is the East the majority of Russian resources are currently concentrated near kupiansk khakive or blast as Moscow seeks to retake the territory is liberated by Ukrainian forces last fall . 

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