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With a counteroffensive to retake territory taken by Russia, Ukraine is making progress.

 Ukraine is gaining ground in its counter-offensive Ukraine is making progress with the counter-offensive started in June to reclaim territory seized by Russia NATO's Secretary General Jen stoltenberg said on Thursday even though it was slow going due to Russian fortifications and minefields the ukrainians are gradually gaining ground they have been able to breach the defensive lines of the Russian forces and they

 are moving forward stoltenberg told lawmakers and remarks that the European Parliament since launching its offensive Kiev has struggled to break through entrenched Russian lines and has faced growing criticism in Western media of concentrating forces in the wrong places with moscow's stretch military resources and descent in the ranks however both sides have measured recent successes by taking

 control of tiny Villages or small pockets of land stoltenberg said it had to be expected that the offensive would be advancing only slowly no one ever said that this was going to be easy he noted hardly any time in history we have seen more Minds on the battlefield than we are seeing in Ukraine today so it was obvious that this was going to be extremely difficult Ukrainian officials have said in the past week that their forces have managed to push past Russia's first line of defenses but now confronted further lines in areas where Moscow has had time to build up fortifications and minefields. 

Also read this 5 tanks from Russia Javelin and artillery fire destroyed it.

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