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Iceland Declares Emergency as Earthquakes Trigger Potential Volcanic Eruption

Iceland has declared a state of emergency and is on high alert following a series of over 150 powerful earthquakes on the rigan peninsula signaling a potential volcanic eruption the National Police Chief declared the state of emergency for civil defense emphasizing the sismic activities intensity the Icelandic Met Office warned of the possibility of an eruption in the coming days with the village of grinda home to

 4,000 people taking precautionary evacuation measures Southwest Iceland specifically the rig Jan Peninsula is experiencing significant earthquake activity sparking concerns among experts about potential volcanic eruptions the largest trimmer with a magnitude of 5.2 was registered north of grinda week the region has witnessed around 24,000 Tremors raising fears of heighten sismic threats the Blue Lagoon a

 popular geothermal pool on the rigan peninsula closed for a week due to the sismic activity the closure reflects the safety precautions taken as the area known for its geothermal attractions faces increased geological instability Iceland one of the most active volcanic regions globally relies on careful monitoring and preparedness for such sismic events the rigan is Peninsula characterized by a rift valley and lava

 Fields is particularly susceptible to geological activity the recent earthquake surge including seven of magnitude four or above has heightened the concerns in the area . 

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