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What is the JN-1 strain of the corona virus that is likely to spread and is making people seriously ill in Pakistan?

 Most of the people around us today are suffering from cold, cough, sore throat or fever, but there are many patients who are also experiencing these and other symptoms as well.

Amina Khan, a resident of Lahore, is currently suffering from severe pain and according to doctors, she has been infected with Corona virus and influenza virus together.

While talking to BBC, Amina Khan explained her condition and said that 'Right now I am experiencing severe cough and chest pain while breathing. Even when I speak something, my breath goes up.

"I've never been so sick before and the biggest problem is that it's been a fortnight since I've been sick. Every day a new problem emerges. I do not understand anything because I have never been sick like this before.

Amina had used medicines available at common medical stores on her own for a few days with a mild sore throat and cough, but when her condition worsened, she had to be admitted to the hospital.

Talking about her illness, Amina Khan said, "Initially, I felt the symptoms of a slight cold, sore throat and cough." Then one night my body began to ache and after a severe cold I developed a fever of 104.

"The next day it was the same again but after five or six days I started to feel a severe infection in my chest and at the same time I had difficulty in breathing."

She says that at that time my family took me to the hospital. When the doctor did tests and x-rays, he told me it was pneumonia.

Immediately started my treatment. Due to which my health improved but not fully recovered.

Dozens of patients with mixed symptoms like Amina Khan are turning to different hospitals for treatment, but it is not yet completely clear whether it is the corona virus or some other virus that has been affecting most of the people.

What is the JN-1 type of corona virus?

Last week, the World Health Organization also issued a warning regarding the spread of the new type of corona virus JN-1.

An omicron subtype of the coronavirus has been classified by the World Health Organization as a cryptic strain due to its rapid spread.

In an official post of Pakistan's Punjab province last week, the Secretary for Primary and Secondary Health Punjab stressed that 'we need to speed up the testing of corona once again' to know about the spread of the new type of corona virus in the province. will have to be done to help assess the severity of the new type of virus and prevent its transmission.'

This post was issued when there were once again reports of an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases.

According to the Punjab government, this decision has come as a precautionary measure to identify and control possible epidemics in different parts of the region, but according to the observation and experience of doctors, the situation in Pakistan, especially in the province of Punjab, is very strange. .

Talking to the BBC, Dr. Irfan Malik of Lung Diseases said, "Nowadays, more patients are coming to us with triple demic and double demic (i.e. joint attack of two or three viruses). That is, the symptoms found in corona, influenza and RSV vice are called triple-decker, while the symptoms found in patients infected with corona and influenza viruses are called double-decker virus.

He says that the patients who are coming to us at the moment are coming with all the symptoms of Corona, while Pakistan currently does not have the kits to test the new corona virus JN-1.

"Detecting the presence of this virus requires highly sensitive kits, which we currently do not have on a large scale."

He added that there has been a significant increase in such patients for the past three weeks.

"When we see the symptoms of most patients, we do tests, X-rays or scans, which to some extent determine whether the patient is suffering from the corona virus or not."

Whole families are coming sick to our hospital.

Dr. Shah Jahan, who works in a private hospital in Lahore, said that "we had about sixty patients who came to the emergency room on Sunday, of which about thirty-five to forty patients had symptoms of corona and influenza."

He says that after checking most of the patients, they feel that this new type of corona is mutating and spreading here because we have so much toxic chemicals in the air and smog that people are infected with the virus for a long time. are happening for.'

He added that a family came to me, maybe 12 members of their house came to me with illness. On investigation, it was found that in recent days he attended a wedding where most of the people had come from foreign countries to attend.

He says that this is not the first such case that I have seen. Most of the people are getting sick after coming back from weddings like this.

Criticizing the government, he said that 'till now, we do not have kits that can detect the presence of a new type of corona, nor do we have vaccines, due to the large number of people the government is getting infected with. should seriously look at this problem.'

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