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3,700 kg of explosives used to demolish illegal skyscrapers in Noida near India Capital

 These two high-rises on the outskirts of India’s Capital are about to implode .

3,700 kg of explosives used to demolish illegal skyscrapers in Noida near India Capital

The buildings in a New Delhi suburb were fitted with nearly 3,700kg of

explosives . It took about 10 seconds to raze the residential towers that stood 32 and 29 storeys tall .

They were the tallest structures ever pulled down in the South Asian country .

The demolition followed a 9-year court battle over violations of building and fire safety laws .

7 Billion Indian Rupees ($87.4 Million)

The estimated market value of the more than 900 flats in the Apex and Ceyane buildings . Over 1,500 families were evacuated from nearby buildings ahead of the demolition .

Water sprinklers and anti-smog guns were used to settle dust thrown up by the implosions . It could take up to 3 months to dispose of the debris, officials said .

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