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What is CoronaVirus ? Prevention and Advice for Kids-COVID-19

 Hello Friends how are you doing . I am sure you ve heard about the Cornavirus do you know what it is sure you do . Everyone is talking about it i’ve looked up information about what we know so far to explain it to you .Although there are still many doubts to be solved .

What is CoronaVirus ? Prevention and Advice for Kids-COVID-19


Covid-19 is a diseases caused by a virus which belongs to the family of conovirus .This virus is the one that caused a pandemic in 2020 . A pandemic is a new disease that spreadsall over the world and affects many people .

So far we observed that this virus can spread very easily via vectors like objects we have touched through sneezing or coughing . This can cause many people to get sick during the process of transmissions that’s why the diseases has spread worldwide .

As you know the important thing now is to look after ourselves and others thats why many measures have been taken to aviod the spreading of the virus . It is advisable to follow some hygiene standards .

Hygiene Rule 

Wash your hands very often or use hydroalcoholic gel did you know that this way the material that envelops the virus is broken if this material is broken the virus can’t infect the cells . Be careful with the objects you touch and avoid touching your face .

  • Keep a safe distance from others.

  •  to protect yourself and them 

  • Don’t Touch Your Musk . The musk should cover your nose .

  • Cough or Sneeze into your elbow .

Research is very important to be able solve all doubts moreover we should thank all those who are working and helping . So that we can get back to normal . Would you like to be a superhero . Follow all the prevention measures to protect yourself .

If you’re not feeling well let your parents or teachers know you may have to stay at home to feel other and protect others . If you doubts or feels nervous talk to your family or teachers . They can surely help you .

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