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Iran Nuclear Deal: Will 16-months long negotiation be fruitful? | Top International News |

 Iran is reviewing the United States response to the European Union final offer for the revival of the 2015 Nuclear deal. And  Iran’s Foreign ministry confirmed receiving and reviewing this proposal but gave no firm indication on how close they are to narrowing the remaining gaps . Iran further confirmed that it will share its views with the European Union that is coordinator of the nuclear talks upon completing its review .

Iran Nuclear Deal: Will 16-months long negotiation be fruitful? | Top International News |

The US response currently being viewed by Iran came after the country responded to the EU ‘s text with additional considerations last week .

While calling on the United States to show flexibility to resolve the remaining issues US state department's spokesperson Ned Price confirmed that Washington had responded to Tehran comments on the EU’s final proposal in which Iran would see sanctions relief and also be able to see its oil again in return for severe limits on its nuclear program.


U.S and Iran have been involved in indirect talks for nearly 16 months now with THE European Union official shuttling between both the sides.  EU’s foreign policy Chief Zepperell on August August 8 had confirm that the bloc had laid down A final text expected a response within a few weeks. 

A  revival of the pact between Tehran and Washington appeared closed in March however it was told further after the two Nations broke down over differences in Vienna what included iran's demands that included pardon on me Iran’s demand that the US provide guarantee that no future president would agree wpuld exit the agreement as Donald Trump.

 US President Joe Biden denied such ironclad assurances as the deal is a political understanding rather than a legally binding Treaty. According to media reports Iran is drop some of its main demands on resurrecting the deal aimed at reigning in Tehran’s nuclear program. The demand dropped also include its insistence closing International inspectors probes on its atomic program .

Tehran’s move bought the possibility of an agreement closer. However Iran’s  Chief seemed to be  contradicting its alleged stand on Wednesday.  The nuclear Chief sought probes to be closed before the implementation day. If the 2015 Nuclear deal is revived the 2015 Nuclear deal was derailed after then U.S  President Donald Trump exited this deal in 2018 . Tump said the deal was too soft on Iran and reimposed harsh sanctions . 

The move prompted Tehran to violate the deal’s Nuclear curbs a year later . Meanwhile  Israel's caretaker Prime Minister said that the  west led by the United States should not strike a bad deal with Iran over its nuclear capabilities  pointing out that bad deal  was on the table right now . He further added that the money would be used to undermine stability in the region and spread terror  across the globe .

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