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China: Export growth picks up | Latest World News | Business News |

 And shifting focus to China now we're offering a boost to economy bruised by Covid lockdown . China Export growth unexpectedly picked up speed last month . This come as relief also for the world's second-largest economy that is trying to gain some momentum now. Data showed China's exports were up 18% in July from last year the fastest space it is here is compared with 17.9 percent increase in June it is also beaten analyst Expectations for 15% gain

China: Export growth picks up | Latest World News | Business News |

Expert have predicted that China's exports will fade and global economy looks increasingly likely to be heading into a series slow down or maybe the recession economies worldwide are weighed down by sorting prices and rising interest rates but there were signs that transport and supply disruptions caused by covid restrictions were continuing to ease . it is just in time for shippers preparing for peak year -ended shopping demand you like sports may also have been buoyed by pentate demand from Southeast Asia . As supply styles east and factories there rammed manufacturing . Now China's exports depended economy has faced massive challenges in covid waves

and countries adherents of strict zero covet policy has led to damage to economy for example the gambling hub of Macau has recently been opened after stick covid lockdown observe their it led to some kind of damage to the economy of Macau .

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