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India wants Canada to ensure extra security during Independence Day events :Here 's why

India reaches out to Canada ahead of independence day. Urges broadened security during 1 day Celebrations . Bid to Thwart Pro -Khalistan Outfits' nefarious designs . India has reached out to Canada for extra security measures during 1day celebrations . 
India wants Canada to ensure extra security during Independence Day events :Here 's why

India has Urged Ottawa to prevent disruptions at Indo-Canadian Community events . This is the first time adequate security for Indian community events has been asked . India's High Commission on Ottawa sent a diplomatic communique in this regard . HT has learnt that India Broadened its security request from its missions in Canada . To Indo- Canadian community events Amid nefarious designs by Pro-Khalistan Elements.

An Indian official told HT that Pro-Khalistan and Pro-Pak Kashmir outfits were plotting to disrupt these events in a bid to further their agenda . This year, Indo-Canadian community has planned huge in person celebrations . The biggest attraction on 1-DAY in Toronto will be the parade organised by Panorama India on August 15 , Floats from various states will culminate downtown Toronto.

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