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China Launches Mega US$10 Billion Canal Project in a bid to Help Its Economy

 China Launches Mega US$10 Billion Canal Project in a bid to Help Its Economy 

China kicked off the construction of a mega canal project in its southwest on August 28 . The Pinglu Canal Project is part of China renewed effort to use infrastructure to boost the economy .

72.7 Billion Yuan ($10.5 Billion)

The estimated investment amount of the Pinglu Canal Project .

The 135km canal will link the Xi River with ports in the Beibu Gulf and provide inland areas in southwest China with a shorter route to the sea .

Local authorities hope the new project will boost regional transport and economic development .

“The Provincial Capital of Nanning used to reach to the sea through the Xi and Pearl rivers. But in the future ships can save more than 560km by going through the Pinglu Canal.”( Chen Hongqi Party Secretary Guangxi Transport Department)

The Canal will also open a waterway for trade between China and Asian Countries . Set to finish in 4-5 years it will be China 1st new canal since 1949 . 

Environmentalists are worried that the project will bring ecological problems 

Doubting that the potential benefits would outweigh the monetary environmental costs .

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