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Putin says direct clash with NATO will lead to 'global catastrophe' | Russian assault intensifies


Putin Big Warning to NATO As War Neras 8-Month Mark 

Putin Warns US led west against Global Catastrophe 

Putin has warned that any direct clash with NATO troops will incite Global Catastrophe . Putin was discussing the potential for clashes with NATO amid intense war in Ukraine .


Putin says direct clash with NATO will lead to 'global catastrophe' | Russian assault intensifies

Vladamir Putin Russian President 

The introduction of troops into a direct confrontations with the Russian army is a very dangerous step that could lead to a global catastrophe hope that those who speak of this have enough sense not take such steps .”

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Putin also speak on whether he will meet biden in sidelines of G20 summit .

Putin I don't see the need to him Us president Biden .

“ We should  ask him if he ready to hold such talks with me or not . I dont see the need to be honest . There is no platform for any talks . The issue of my visit there (G20 in Indonesia has not been finally decide yet .

Russia will certainly take part in this work . In what format we will still think about it and for now there is no question of direct negotiations with any of the G20 Members .” ( Vladimir Putin Russian President )

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Putin earlier said that he would be ready to use nikes to defend Territorial Integrity . Expressing zero regret for invading Ukraine Putin said there was no need for massive strikes .

Russian President Vladimir Putin added that he was not looking to destroy Ukraine . Just a day before Russian MoD released footage of strikes on Ukrainian front lines . 

Combat drones were seen neutralizing tanks and other armoured vehicles.

Earlier this week Russia launched its biggest barrage of strikes on Ukrainian Cities since the war began .

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