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Death blow by Putin's men: Ukrainian MiG-29 jet crashes in battle against Russian missiles & drones


Fighter Inferno Fiery Demise of Ukrainian MIG-29

Russian drones and missile Vs Ukraine Fighter Death Blow by Putin men Ukraine Air Force Suffers 

Putin Vexed Zelensky stares at a brutal onslaught 

Death blow by Putin's men: Ukrainian MiG-29 jet crashes in battle against Russian missiles & drones

The fiery demise of a Ukrainian MIG-19 Fighter a fallout of battle against Putin men . After losing a battle against Russian forces the fighter crashed in Vinnytsia Ukraine .

The Ukrainian fighter was on a mission against Geran-2 drones and Russian cruise missiles . War trackers in fight against Russian Ukrainian pilot lost control of the fighter .

The jet flew into the remains of a drone or was damaged by the sharpnel of its warhead . The Ukrainian Air Force in the doldrums- depleted strength and aged aircraft .

Another Ukrainian fighter crashed after being struck by a Russian missile in poltava . War entering a crucial period Zelensky staring at a potentially difficult winter .

Moscow say the goal is to demilitarize Ukraine and protect Russian-speaking communities . The west has been accusing Moscow of wagoing an imperial-style war of conquest .

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