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Russia considering withdrawal of forces from west of Dnipro river.

 Russia considering withdrawal of forces from west of Nipro river Russia recent admission that a difficult situation has emerged in the Kherson region is highly  Unusual and likely indicates that authorities are considering a major withdrawal of their forces from the area west of the nipro river.

Russia considering withdrawal of forces from west of Dnipro river.

British intelligence has said Moscow recently appointed commander of Russian forces in UkraineGeneral sergey Shukraviken made the announcement earlier this week .

The latest UK Ministry of defense report suggests it likely indicates that the Russian authorities considering a major withdrawal of their forces from the area of the west of the nipro river .

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A challenge of any Russian withdrawal operation would be extracting troops and their equipments across the 1000meter wide river . In good order with all the permanent bridges severely damaged Russia would highly likely rely heavily on a temporary neat Kherson .

In recent days and military pontoon ferry units which continue to operate a several locations .

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