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Russia Is the First in the History of the Ukrainian War! Ukraine Seizes Russian Lieutenant General

 Blow after blow from Ukraine to Russia. The Ukrainian Army, which has managed to break the resistance of the Russian Government with its successful operations recently, has also signed an event that has not happened for 77 years since the Second World war. 


Russia Is the First in the History of the Ukrainian War! Ukraine Seizes Russian Lieutenant General

With Russia falling into more difficult situations every day, it now seems that Ukraine's victory is getting closer. A call from Ukraine today may be the biggest proof of this. 

Since 1945, that is, since the Second World war, no high-ranking official of Russia has been taken prisoner. According to a statement from the Ukrainian side, the Ukrainian Army captured one of Russia's Lieutenant Generals by way of surrender. 

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Although there is no explanation from Russia on the subject, it seems to be proven that the person who appears in the photos published by the Ukrainian Army is the Russian Lieutenant General.

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