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Chaos in Russia! The Kremlin betrayed Putin! Sounds of resignation from Putin!

 Bad news continues to come to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered the invasion against Ukraine on February 24. the economic difficulties caused by the war in Russia for 7 months and the fact that the welfare level of the people in the country is decreasing day by day have created an opportunity for opposition politicians in the country's politics. 


Chaos in Russia! The Kremlin betrayed Putin! Sounds of resignation from Putin!

In the Russian Federation, which has been ruled by Vladimir Putin since 2000, opposition politicians could not make the opposition they needed to make against Putin due to various pressures from the Russian Leader and the inability of democracy to function exactly correctly in the country. 

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine began, President Vladimir Putin has also begun to lose his Decadent power. We can say that the people who were angry against Putin ended their support for him and began to switch to the side of his opponents. With the self-confidence that this situation has created, politicians who have resumed their opposition actions are calling on Putin to resign at every opportunity.

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 Moreover, these calls for resignation are not the first calls for resignation against Putin. Earlier, a retired general working in the Russian Army had called on the Russian Leader to resign on his television show. The increasing dissatisfaction with the Russian Government shows that the resignation rumors will continue.

 It is becoming clear that Putin, who wants to consolidate his own authority by opening a war in Ukraine, is now even weaker than before and has failed to achieve his goal.

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