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Greece and Turkey have become one in the face of Russia! Putin's offer is rejected!

 Greece and Turkey refused to transport Russia's oil tankers! Before the war between Russia and Ukraine began, the Greek government was distributing Russian oil around the world by ships, but it seems that this will no longer happen Decently.


Greece and Turkey have become one in the face of Russia! Putin's offer is rejected!

 After the Russian army invaded Ukraine, the Greek government took a step in this regard and expressed to Putin that they would no longer transport Russian oil. Before Greece made this move, Turkey, which has the right to have a say in the straits, said that Russian oil would not be allowed to pass through the straits. 

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The Greek government officials apologized to the Ukrainian citizens for this late decision and stated that they would compensate for their mistakes. After this conversation, the Greek government said that they would send 45 armored vehicles and many weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. 

The Greek authorities foresaw the completion of this shipment in the coming week

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