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He Left His Biggest ally Putin Alone! Russia, Which Asked For Help, Was Refused

Vladimir Putin called on Ramadan Kadyrov to meet immediately! The Chechen Commander Ramazan Kadyrov, who led to a major crisis in the army, began to rule the army himself, ignoring the orders given by Russian commanders. 


He Left His Biggest ally Putin Alone! Russia, Which Asked For Help, Was Refused

Recently, Chechen Commander Ramazan Kadyrov, who claimed that Vladimir Putin did not know about what was happening on the battlefield, announced that if things went badly, he would start meeting with Vladimir Putin. Now Vladimir Putin has immediately summoned Ramazan Kadyrov, the commander-in-chief of the Chechen army, from the front and asked for an urgent meeting. 

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The Russian army has been losing the war in recent days and continues to experience crisis after crisis. It is not known what the Chechen Leader said to the offer of a meeting with Vladimir Putin at the moment.

 According to forecasts, he will agree to this and meet with her, because he is known as a fan of Vladimir Putin. But this time there is expected to be a Deconfliction between them. 

The Chechen commander, who disobeyed the commanders of the Russian Armed Forces and carried out his own orders, will inform you about the developments that came after meeting with Vladimir Putin.

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