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Russian Kamikaze strikes spell doom; Ukraine's new suicide drone in response to deadly attacks


Putin Dive-Bombing Ukraine With Kanikaze Drones 

Now Kyiv teases new long-range response to strikes

Kamikaze drone a poor man's cruise missile 

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Russian Kamikaze strikes spell doom; Ukraine's new suicide drone in response to deadly attacks

With drones Russia is hitting targets crushing morale and draining Ukraine war chest . Amid deadly Russian drone strikes , Ukraine govt has developed a long-range capability .

Ukrainian state-owned defense holding firm Ukroboronprom new drone  nearing completion. The company released an image of what appeared to be part of the Nosecone of drone .75 kg warhead weight the Ukrainian kamikaze drone will have a range of 1000 km .

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What are Kamikaze Drone?

Packed with explosives Kamikaze drones can be pre-programmed with GPS coordinates of a target suicidee drones -they Nosedive into a targets and explode on impact like a missile . 

Reminiscent of Japan World War II-era Kamikaze Pilots who would fly their explosive-laden aircraft into U.S warships and aircraft carriers .

Kamikaze drone s are also called loitering munitions by the military because when used at short range they can hover over an area and then hit a target on an operation command. 

Russian drones are having a significant psychological impact on war-weary Ukrainians . For many Ukrainian Putn Kamikaze UAVs are linked to a recurring feeling of dread . 

Unmanned aerial vehicle have played a key role on both sides of the ar in Ukraine . Pertinent to note drones have fired missiles dropped bombs and conducted reconnaissance.

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