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Strelkov revolts against Putin - No one will help. This is the end!

  Hello Everyone! Municipal representatives in Saint Petersburg have requested that Putin be charged with high treason for the started conflict. This case, which is unprecedented, suggests the start of a rebellion against the tyrant. 


Strelkov revolts against Putin - No one will help. This is the end!

In an interview with Clavert, political analyst and former terrorist Ukrainian MP Chornovil stated that such requests have thus far only come from specific Russian factions. That is, it is not a widespread occurrence. But the former MP said that while such demands were previously completely unrealistic, the process has advanced and is gradually gaining speed. 

Putin is currently primarily taking hits from within Russia, not because he invaded Ukraine and committed a crime, but rather the opposite, according to Chornovil. He defined something today in the Russian Federation that he did not anticipate an uptick in Hawks.

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 Girkin and other Hawks have made several remarks expressing their fury at Putin's conduct, calling him a sucker who has nothing and is already out in the open saying that Akhil Amist, he noted, dot the former MP. Assuring that there are no liberals in Russia's life has revealed that they are all Hawks and Stalinists like the others, and they will all scream at Putin to escalate the conflict, particularly after Ukraine begins to take back Crimea. 

For Saab, Chicken, Navalny, and the rest of them, the same holds true. Now that they have all become Hawks, Putin is being blamed. Anyone who protests or demands an end to war in Russia gets imprisoned right away for disseminating lies about the Russian military. Others yell at Putin at the same moment. Why are you losing that particular Girkin, who is disparaging Putin as much as he pleases, and the Kremlin boss is powerless to stop it?

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 Putin no longer has an answer for the radical side that is emerging in Russian society, Chair Noble observed, adding. In addition, Putin was taken aback when a group of Hawks appeared behind him in the rear. All of a sudden, it became clear that Shigu, Patrice Cheves, and the others are more than mere plywood Marshalls. But behind their backs, those who can easily topple Putin and against whom he has no rivals, arose.

 They have a ton of specific services, law enforcement organizations, and a ton of support behind them. Putin will therefore likely be killed, according to Chornovil. Igor Girkin Strelkov, the former commander of the terrorist group DNR, had earlier abruptly criticized Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Zalenski, the president of Ukraine, was used as an illustration of Putin, whom he detested and desired would perish.

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 He claimed that Putin was outperformed in the conflict by the former comic. Additionally, it was stated that the representatives from Saint Petersburg urged the State Duma of the Russian Federation to file treason charges against Vladimir Putin, head of the Council of the municipal formation MO smallness. 

Koit thinks that the conflict in Ukraine caused the Russian economy to collapse and increased Russia's border with NATO. The lawmakers demand that Putin be removed from his post as head of state of the Russian Federation in this regard

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