Worry In Washington As Russia Rains Missiles On Ukraine
Biden Admin fears for Ukraine air defense systems
Putin missile fury rendering Ukraine air defense ineffective
Pentagon is worried over deadly missile strike by Russia against Ukraine . Pentagon said surge missile strike in Ukraine are partly designed to exhaust Ukraine supplies for Air Defense.
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Something Mosco hopes would allow its forces to achieve air dominance .
Pentagon they are relay trying to overwhelm and exhaust Ukrainian Air defense system .
Pentagon we know what the Russian theory of victory is and we are committed to making sure that not going to work by making sure that the Ukrainian get to keep their air defense viable .
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Ukraine is pressuring its supporters in particular the US to provide more military support . This as Russia steps up strikes on Ukraine energy infrastructure cross the country .
Ukraine is seeking advanced equipment such as patriot missiles and F-15 warplanes . Ukraine FM Dmytro Kubleba said that he is convinced that the time for patriots has come .Ukraine is also sought after F-16 warplanes earlier in the week along with F-165 fighter .
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