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Hunter Biden made millions while abusing drugs: documents from his plea agreement made public

 U.S President Joe Biden's son Hunter apparently earned more than 4 million US dollars from 2017 to 2018. reports said that his earnings came from a Ukrainian Energy company a Chinese private Equity Firm and other sources according to his proposed plea agreement to federal tax charges Hunter Biden made all this money during two years in which he descended deeper into substance abuse the younger

 Biden's draft plea was announced in June but the actual agreement was made public on Wednesday after U.S District Judge Mary Ellen Eureka ordered it unsealed in response to Media requests the deal would have seen the president's son plead guilty to misdemeanor charges and serve no jail time but it was put on hold after Justice norika raised questions about the terms last week an exhibit incorporated into the

 agreement between Biden and federal prosecutors in Delaware sets out in some detail his earnings in 2017 and 2018. two years for which he failed to pay income tax Republicans have criticized the proposed plea as a sweetheart deal they argued that Joe Biden must also have benefited from the millions that Hunter Biden made reports revealed that Hunter made more than 2.3 million US dollars in 2017. 

He made more than 2.1 million US dollars in 2018. the sources of his income were not identified in the court filing but Biden has acknowledged his ties with the Chinese company and a Ukrainian Energy company according to the agreement these high earnings came as his drug addiction continued to worsen the documents cite his own Memoir in which he describes a spring and summer of non-stop debauchery in

 2018. according to the agreement Hunter was well aware of his tax liabilities from an accountant he hired reports said that the accountant prepared his returns and sent them to him for review and signature but despite repeated encouragement from his accountant he never signed or submitted his returns according to the agreement he failed to pay his taxes despite having the money to do so

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