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Imran Khan: Undeclared martial law has been imposed in the country, the purpose of establishing military courts is to punish me.

 Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan says that undeclared martial law is in force in the country and the government is running away from holding elections in October.

While giving an interview in BBC program Hard Talk, the head of Tehreek-e-Insaf also said that the purpose of establishing military courts is to punish them.

Chairman PTI and his party leaders and workers are facing a crackdown after the riots that resulted from the arrest of Imran Khan on May 9 this year and Imran Khan himself claims that around 200 Cases have been filed.

Asked if he felt that the rule of law was tightening around him, Imran Khan said that when he was removed from power, the establishment thought that his party would be divided but the result was the general It turned out to be the opposite and now they are trying to get him out of the game.

"Establishment thought that the party would disappear and usually it happens after being removed from power, but on the contrary, the popularity of the party increased even more than before and this was a very unusual thing in Pakistan. When these failed to get me out of the game, I was assassinated twice and the number of cases registered against me has been close to 200 so far. All these efforts are so that they can put me in jail or disqualify me or do both.

Imran Khan also said that now they have prepared military courts (against me) and the matter is in the Supreme Court whether they allow military courts or not and the purpose of establishing these military courts is to punish me. Is'.

On the question whether the issue of possible disqualification by the courts is not an example of 'what you sow will be cut' because in the past he has been in favor of banning former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from participating in politics, Tehreek-e-Insaf said. The chief said that his case is completely different from that of Nawaz Sharif.

One word is moral equality. You are linking this to a completely unrelated matter. It cannot be compared to me. (Unlike Nawaz Sharif) I have only two cases of corruption out of 200 and I am facing them and I did not commit corruption so they will never get anything from it so you compare it to me. Can not do it. He had a luxury flat in London worth millions of dollars (which he hid), he was punished for it. Look at what is happening now.

Chairman PTI was asked that it is said that he came to power in 2018 with the help of the army and in the initial period of his government he was very close to the army but when the army withdrew its support. He started saying that there should be no military intervention in politics and is it not hypocrisy.

On this question, Imran Khan said that his party is the only political party which was not formed by the military dictators, but it is true that the army did not oppose him in 2018. He alleged that the army had backed Nawaz Sharif in 2013.

"If the army had supported us in 2018, then how would the establishment have openly gone against us and is now trying to eliminate us. We did not come to power because of the army." Where you are right is that the army did not oppose me in 2018 but in 2013 the military establishment supported Nawaz Sharif, brought him to power. That is why we protested for 126 days because we knew that the elections were rigged.

'May 9 events were the result of a plan'

Imran Khan once again refused to accept responsibility for the violent protest on behalf of his party workers on May 9, saying that in 27 years of politics, have I ever asked anyone to do violence? All our protests have been peaceful within the constitution. We are allowed to protest in the constitution. When we feel any injustice, it is our right to protest and we did that. We believe that there should be an independent investigation into these violent acts at the four places where violent protests took place.

Imran Khan also said that the act of inciting the workers of his party to protest on May 9 was planned.

When they saw me being picked up by the commandos, was there not going to be any protest? It was all Fairyland. The police could have picked me up, why did they need commandos to pick me up and kill everyone because they wanted a reaction, but the reaction was peaceful as always. Now the point is, were we involved in arson and siege? The burning took place in only four buildings. They put ten thousand of our workers in jail.

It should be remembered that on May 9, the series of violent protests and arson started in different cities of Pakistan when Pakistan Rangers officers arrested former Prime Minister Imran Khan from the premises of Islamabad High Court in the Al-Qadir Trust case. After the news of his arrest came out, angry protesters stormed military properties and cantonment areas in various cities and ransacked them.

During the violent protests, the entrance gates of the Army Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi and the ISI Office (Hamza Camp) were vandalized and the Corps Commander's House in the provincial capital Lahore was set on fire.

"If my party has ended, why don't they announce the election?"

When asked if he does not think that his party has lost its original existence as a result of the May 9 incidents, Imran Khan said that if my party does not exist, why do they not announce elections? Why did you run away from If my party is finished, they should not panic.

The problem is that the party is established. They have used all kinds of tactics. Some people have definitely left under pressure, but the majority are hiding in Pakistan. Of all my senior leadership who have not been arrested, some have defected but the rest are in hiding. My workers are hidden. I and a few others have not gone into hiding but we are under house arrest.

Imran Khan said that the only solution for Pakistan is free and fair elections. This is the only way we can get out of the current mess. Let the people choose their representatives and then let them solve the problems of Pakistan. He also said that to keep them out of politics, the country's democracy is being broken. Unfortunately the country has been taken over by fascists and they are afraid of elections. I am being targeted because they know we will win.

Is Imran Khan ready to talk with Nawaz Sharif?

On Stephen Sekar's question whether he is willing to put his demands and interests aside to talk to politicians like Nawaz Sharif to save the country from crisis, Chairman PTI said that 'It is a fact that the country is big. The crisis is near, we are really moving towards the dark ages because basically there is an undeclared martial law in Pakistan right now. We are heading into the dark ages. But what is the solution?

The solution is to join hands with those who looted this country for 30 years. Should I now join those who are responsible for destroying the rule of law in this country, why? It is better for me to stay in the opposition so that I get power. What is the purpose of coming to power when you cannot bring justice here?

"If there is no representation of the people, terrorism increases"

Tehreek-e-Insaf chief said that terrorism has increased in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Why was there no terrorism when we were in power? Why the sudden increase in terrorism? Because now they are not being represented. Pakhtunkhwa has a caretaker government that does not represent them. It has been going on for eight months and it is illegal.

He said that the solution is transparent elections. "Let the people choose their representatives and then let them solve the problems of Pakistan." We brought down terrorism in Pakistan.

Stephen Sekar asked why they don't stay away from politics to bring the situation in the country under control. Imran Khan replied that 'should we accept slavery?'

He said that there is going to be a legislation against extremism according to which intelligence agencies can raid any house without a warrant. They can arrest anyone. We are facing it.

Imran Khan said that the elections will bring stability to the country. Terrorism emerges when people are not represented and controlled by the centre.

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