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Burning in Sevastopol's shipyard is the Russian Minsk Landing Ship.

 Ukrainian Naval drone strikes Russian Patrol ship sirotov one of the two Russian Patrol ships that the Defense Forces hit in the morning of September 14th is the Siri kotov Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation education Science and Technology development Minister for digital transformation of Ukraine

 Mika federov showed how a naval drone attacks a Russian ship federov published the relevant video on telegram ukine form reports G is working United 24 donors are working Ukrainian Technologies are working we are all working for victory he said in the post as reported by ukin Form Ukrainian intelligence

 confirmed that a Russian large Landing ship and submarine were hit by missile strikes and temporarily occupied sevastopol overnight September 1st on September 14th the Defense Forces of Ukraine damaged two more Patrol ships of the Russian Fleet in the southwestern part of the Black Sea . 

Also read this Burning in Sevastopol's shipyard is the Russian Minsk Landing Ship.

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