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Following the reports of two "unnatural" deaths in Kozhikode, Kerala has issued a Nipah alert.

 The Kerala health department has issued a health Alert in korikore District of the state the alert came after two deaths were suspected to be caused by the NEPA virus infection which was described as unnatural Health officials said that they suspected the Nipa Virus Infection may be the cause of these deaths according to reports the two deaths occurred at a private Hospital in Kozhikode reports added that even a  relative of one

 of the deceased is currently in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital the test results or this patient are yet to be available on Wednesday a high-level meeting was chaired by State Health Minister Vena George to review the situation the health department issued a statement on Monday night it's said that two unnatural deaths following fever were reported from a private hospital and it is suspected that

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 these were due to the Nipa virus Kodi code has experienced two previous Nipa virus outbreaks one in 2018 and another in 2021. during the first outbreak in 2018 a total of 23 cases were identified with 17 people succumbing to the zoonotic virus Nipa Virus Infection can manifest in various ways ranging from asymptomatic cases to acute respiratory illness and fatal Encephalitis among those infected as per

 the World Health Organization or who Nipa Virus Infection is categorized as a zoonotic disease that means that it can be transmitted from animals to humans additionally it can spread through contaminated food or through direct person-to-person contact who informed that the virus can also cause severe disease in animals such as pigs resulting in significant economic losses for farmers 

 according to experts NEPA is a paramixovirus panamic severity is a family of single stranded RNA viruses known to cause different types of infections in vertebrates experts said that NEPA is related to a human virus human para influenza virus which is one of the handful of virus that can cause common cold its natural host is the fruit bat the large and small flying foxes which are distributed across South and Southeast Asia according to reports all cases of human infection with the Nipa virus to date have been due to direct or indirect contact with infected bats . 

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