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If elected, Vivek Ramaswamy promises to pardon all 'peaceful' demonstrators from the Capital riots.

 Republican presidential candidate Vivek ramaswamy has vowed that he will pardon all peaceful January 6th protesters if he gets elected as the next U.S president in 2024 the 38 year old Indian American entrepreneur has gained traction after he denounced the U.S justice department for what he called its political persecution of non-violent protesters he said that now America has a two-tiered justice system antifa and BLM writers roam free while peaceful January 6 protesters are imprisoned without pain he

 called Biden's Department of Justice as Department of Injustice and said that it has executed over one thousand arrests for non-violent offenses related to January 6th he claimed that it has cast a dark shadow over Justice and the foundational principles of America's legal system he said and I quote to unify this country I commit as president to Pardon all Americans who were targets of politicized federal prosecutor

 patients and those denied due process this includes all peaceful non-violent January 6 protesters who were denied their constitutional due process rights the January 6th Riot saw more than 2 000 people enter the U.S capital as lawmakers certified the results of the 2020 election in which President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump the mob stormed the capital following a speech from Trump who was speaking at a rally

 not far from the capital grounds in his speech Trump claimed election fraud and called on then vice president Mike Pence to overturned the results the riot led to the biggest police investigation in U.S history with hundreds of people accused of criminal offenses Rama Swami said that he would end the weaponization of police power in America and noted that every Republican candidate must be clear on

 hard issues earlier on Sunday he said that while he expects to become the party's nominee for the November 2024 U.S elections he will vote for Trump if the former president secures the nomination he also expressed his intention to Pardon Trump who currently faces an array of legal challenges should he be elected as president of the United States following his impressive performance in the enormous

 Republican primary presidential debate last month ramaswamy an entrepreneur turned politician has experienced research in popularity competing alongside fellow Indian American rival Nikki Haley the former governor of South Carolina . 

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