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Joe Biden will arrive in New Delhi for the G20 summit today, and there are unbreakable security measures in place.

 Joe Biden is all said to arrive in India today for the G20 Summit he will also have a bilateral meeting with prime minister Narendra Modi on September 8 on the sidelines of the historic meeting he and other U.S delegates will stay at ITC Maria Sheraton Hotel the staff will undergo background checks and special access cards will be given to those who will visit the 14th floor where Joe Biden will stay a three-layer security has been arranged for Joe Biden's visit to Delhi while the outermost layer would

 have paramilitary Force personnel the second layer would have Commandos from India's special protection group and the innermost Circle would have Secret Service agents during his visit to the national capital Biden will travel in the Beast the U.S presidential Cadillac that will be flown to India from the U.S in a Boeing C-17 Globe master 3. the Beast is the official state car of the U.S president known as the world's

 strongest and safest this bulletproof car will be under the guard of the United States Secret Service at all times the Beast name first appeared back in 2001 with the arrival of President George W bush that car was an entirely ground up built model incorporating many of the functions that are fitted to the modern version the Beast is jam-packed with features it has been designed to deliver the best possible protection for the

 U.S president as a result it has 13 cm thick laminated glass for the windows run flat tires with a solid cord to ensure that they can still roll when punctured and 20 cm thick military grade armor for the panels the Beast is loaded with one style gadgets believed to include smoke screens and door handles ready to send a 120 volt electric shock to ward off attackers it can also reportedly lay down an oil slick to send enemy Vehicles spinning out of control pump action shotguns rocket powered grenades night vision equipment

 and tear gas grenades are all said to be on board weighing in at between 8 to 10 tons the body is made of 8 inch armor plating with armored floor plates to protect from potential Bomb Blast the 5 inch thick windows can stop a 0.44 magnum bullet the interior can be sealed in the event of a chemical attack and the beast's tires can carry on for Miles even if they are flat Cadillac one as the Beast is also known just takes 15 seconds to reach 60 miles an hour there are at least two identical beach with matching registration

 plates in every motorcade so attackers can't be hundred percent certain which vehicle contains the president and which is the decoy the Beast carries a supply of blood matching the president's blood type in case of an emergency it also travels with its own oxygen supply which can be piped directly into the hermetically sealed cabin in the event of an attack the limo can hold up to seven people so the president is never far from help top of the rain Communications also ensured that the U.S president has the ability to

 dispatch the nuclear ports necessary to fire nuclear weapons from inside essential staff including the president's military doctor generally follow behind in one of three separate SUVs that are known as the control car. 

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