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In the Su-34 fighter, Russia fired its first Kinzhal missile.

 Russia uses Kinzel missile for the first time in su-34 fighter Russia's su-34 multi-purpose fighter bomber used the Kindle Hypersonic missile in the course of the military operation in Ukraine a defense official told Tass the su-34 fighter jet used the Kinsel Hypersonic missile in the special military operation the first

 crew who successfully accomplished such a task will receive state Awards the official said Russia calls its actions in Ukraine a special military operation Kiev and its allies say the 18-month long Russian aggression is an unprovoked War to grab land earlier Vadim skibitsky a representative of the main

 directorate of intelligence of the ministry of Defense of Ukraine said that Russia has a small reserve of Kinsel Hypersonic missiles about 75 units and they can produce no more than six of them per month as for Kinsel missiles their Reserve is currently around 75 units the Russians value these missiles very much not

 only because of their relatively small number but also because according to our calculations the enemy can produce no more than six units per month at least that is what their plan provides Vadim skibitsky stressed according to him due to limited stocks and production of certain types of missiles Ukraine's

 Military Intelligence sees how the tactics of the written strikes are changing the Kinsel is Russia's latest system with hypersonic Aero ballistic missiles carried by special equipped mig-31k Fighters interceptors the Kinsel missile features low radar signature and high maneuverability and is designed to strike ground

 and Naval targets the Kinsel missile system has been on experimental combat Duty since December 2017 the Russian army first officially used the missile in combat in the country's military operation on March the 18 2022 . 

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