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Morocco earthquake: As the nation struggles to cope with the destruction, the death toll is approaching 3,000.

The death toll in the Moroccan earthquake has passed 2800 people as a limited number of foreign aid and rescue teams joined an intensifying Race Against Time to find any remaining survivors I in the Atlas Mountains where many villages remain inaccessible Moroccan authorities said they had responded favorably to offers of help from visiting search and rescue teams from Spain Qatar Britain and the United

 Arab Emirates but they were yet to accept further offers of aid from other countries despite the Urgent nature of the disaster including from France and from Turkey which experienced a similar deadly earthquake in February its president said it would help with all means if its offer was accepted Friday's 6.8 magnitude quick Morocco's deadliest in more than six decades struck in an isolated cluster of

 mountainous Villages 45 miles south of Marrakesh and shook infrastructure as far away as the country's northern coast the state TV reported that the death toll had risen to 2862 with 2562 people injured and there were expectations that the toll could rise as rescue teams reach remote Villages high up in the mountains Drone footage from local television channels showed traditional mud brick houses completely flattened many feared that the combined difficulties of accessing remote Mountain Villages as well as a

 delayed emergency response heavily reliant on approval from the Royal Palace where impeding rescue efforts local TV channels showed images of military helicopters flying over mountainous areas close to the epicenter hurling aid from The Craft civilian Rescuers described rushing to reach remote Villages

 while many across the peaks of the Atlas Mountains remained inaccessible the situation is catastrophic with many houses completely crumbled as these were homes largely made of mud bricks when they collapsed they also buried in Tomb people which also makes the possibility of finding people alive more difficult . 

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