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Two Russian BM-21 "Grad" MLRSs are destroyed by "HIMARS" in the Donetsk region.

 HIMARS destroyed two Russian bm-21 grad mlrs in the netsk region the enemy launchers were discovered by aerial reconnaissance men of the 14th UV Regiment of the Airborne forces and on the Drone footage we can see two Russian bm-21 grad mlrs's stationed next to a tree line in the Donetsk

 region Ukrainian hamars deliver a single strike and it's a very precise hit as the shell lands rights on top of the Russian equipment and it covers a radius of almost 100 meters with tungsten balls totally destroying the Russians mlrs and its crew as we can see Rockets of the Russian grad Mrs are self-detonating due to

 the fire judging by the explosion and the fragment spread it looks like Ukrainian artillery used the m30a1 round which delivers 180 000 tungsten steel BB sized balls bringing total Destruction to the Russian equipment this event was geo-located in the shout of ocaretave Village in the zaparisa region the video was published by the Ukrainian 14th regiment on their official telegram Channel . 

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