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 This is a dynamic conflict and we need to remember that Russ the spokesman for the US National Security Council Admiral John Kirby said on Thursday that Russia is executing its soldiers who are refusing to follow orders in aiva and other contentious fronts in eastern Ukraine we have information that the Russian military has been actually executing soldiers who are refusing to follow orders said Admiral Kirby who has held regular televised briefings at the

White House since at least the beginning of the Israeli Hamas War we also have information that Russian commanders are threatening to execute entire units if they seek to retreat from Ukrainian artillery fire he said it's reprehensible moscow's forces have witnessed an alltime high of Russian casualties 

Also read this Russia is now trying to protect its MiG-31 fighters from Ukrainian missile strikes with paintings

during their offensive around the pivotal city of abva Kev post has reported according to an Iceland based analyst the Kiev post said Russia hit a probable wartime record of more than 1,400 killed in combat in a single day on October 20th and average 900 men a day killed in combat from 10 the 20th of 

October coinciding with its push toward abiva many on the ground Russian M bloggers have complained over the past couple of months of substandard support and supplies from Moscow incompetent strategies from top brass not serving in Ukraine and generally poor conditions on the battlefield earning 

them stern warnings from the Kremlin to muzzle any unflattering reports The Institute for the study of War noted that the Ukrainian Tavis group of forces spokesperson Colonel Alexander stun claimed on Thursday that 5,000 Russian soldiers have been killed and wounded and 400 of their armored vehicles 

have been destroyed near Aviva and marinka Southwest of donet City since October 10th donet region presumably the solidar area video from servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces a kamakazi drone attacked a Russian Kamas everyone survived I can go ahead like they nailed straight luy Team 

guys 400 300 two of them in shot in a Camas but they're light and the guys they're really AR for he's about to pass it on to the bottom yes yes what oh yes there he was lucky he didn't get into the cabin down sub Russian tank runs over multiple mines is forced to evacuate Ukrainian Shadow unit and when we 

talk about Russian incompetence this is what we are talking about here a Russian tank treads over its own minds the tank goes over more mines a musite gives a unique view on how the war is impacting Russia. 

Also read this Ukrainian servicemen say Azerbaijani Army set an example of defeating separatism

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