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Israel prepares to use this secret weapon in Gaza

 Israel prepares to use this secret weapon in Gaza British media reported that Israel is preparing to use sponge bombs to hit Hamas during the planned ground offensive in Gaza the biggest difficulty for Israel in the planned ground movement will be the underground tunnels called the Gaza Subway according to the Telegraph newspaper built by Hamas over the past 15 years the mazike tunnels store rockets and

 ammunition while allowing fighters to move undetected it is noted that the entrances of the tunnels are protected by traps if there is a ground movement Israel is expected to use sponge bombs the bomb was specially designed to fight Hamas however the possibility of keeping more than 200 people captured during the attack on Israel on October the 7th in the said tunnels is one of the main obstacles in front of Tel Aviv it was noted that the bomb posed a threat to the lives of Israeli Soldiers the British Telegraph newsp paper reported that some soldiers were blinded as a result of improper use of weapons therefore official Tel Aviv has tested special uavs to identify tunnels during a possible ground operation as well as robots in the underground passages however they have not yet shown a full effective result the Israel Defense Forces has not commented on the use of the so-called sponge bombs which create a sudden explosion of foam that rapidly expands and then hardens . 

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