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The news of Putin's death circulated, the protection of his double was strengthened

 A shocking claim was made about Putin: the security of his double was strengthened—an explosive claim that Russian President Vladimir Putin had suffered a heart attack spread across the globe this week. Amplified by news outlets and social media users, the news didn't come from the Kremlin; it came from a single Anonymous account on the messaging service Telegram.

The source of all of these reports was a popular Telegram account, General SVR, which claimed to have insider information from the Kremlin. According to General SVR, Russian President Vladimir Putin's health began to deteriorate sharply again at about 2000 Moscow time on October 26th. The doctors on duty called an additional team of doctors who, upon arrival within 15 minutes, began resuscitating the president. By that time, Putin's condition was critical. At 20:42 Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation and pronounced the president dead after informing the security officers on duty at the door about what had happened. By personal order of Dimitri Kosev, director of the Federal Guard Service, the room in the presidential residence in Valdai, which was converted into an intensive care ward in which Putin died, was blocked. The doctors remained locked with the president's corpse. Security officers ordered the doctors to calm down, not make noise, and wait. Dimitri Kosev carries out the instructions of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev. Also, by order of Kosev, the security of the president's double was strengthened.

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General SVR said it is noted that negotiations on the creation of a coalition of representatives of the Putin elites under the leadership of Nikolai Patrushev are almost completed to preserve the current regime and use Putin's double in the image of the president. But if when Putin was alive it was possible to use a double without any problems, in extreme cases it was possible to present the real one. Then after Putin's death, any attempt to pass off the double as the president is a coup d'état. General SVR said.

Putin's spokesman told state media Ria Novosti that the report was an absurd information canard. A spokesman said, "These kinds of stories belong to the category of fake news, discussed with enviable tenacity by a number of media outlets. This brings nothing but a smile in the Kremlin."

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