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Sri Lanka's poor performance in the World Cup is dismissed by the Cricket Board

 The Sri Lankan Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe dismissed the Cricket Board due to the poor performance of the Sri Lankan cricket team in the ICC World Cup.

According to News Agency, relations with the board were strained over allegations of corruption by the sports minister. The Sri Lankan board was sacked after a humiliating defeat by India.

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1996 World Cup winning team captain Arjuna Rana Tinga has been entrusted with the responsibility while he has been appointed as the interim chairman. A statement has been issued by the Sri Lankan Sports Minister's office dismissing the board and handing over the responsibility to Rana Tinga.

According to media reports, a 7-member panel has been formed by the Sports Minister to investigate the corruption allegations, the retired judges of the Supreme Court are also included in the panel.

The sports minister had demanded resignations from the entire board, the secretary of the board, Mohan D'Silva, had announced his resignation a day earlier.

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