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Egypt Elections: El-Sisi Pursues Third Term Amid Gaza War & Economic Crisis

 Elections have officially kicked off in Egypt on Sunday morning, and the nation has started casting ballots. However, once again, the winner is expected to be Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. Critics see these elections as a sham after a decade-long crackdown on dissent. The government's media body has called it a step toward political pluralism, though Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the president of Egypt, is in a presidential election expected to grant him a third term.

The election is in controversy due to years of repression against the opposition, resulting in skepticism about its fairness. Al-Sisi, who initially came to power in 2013 after overthrowing President Muhammad Morsi, has since maintained a firm grip on authority. A crackdown has ensued, targeting Islamists, liberals, and leftists, leading to the imprisonment of numerous individuals, as reported by rights groups. Despite this, al-Sisi's supporters argue that these actions were necessary to stabilize Egypt and counter extremist threats.

As mentioned before, the election landscape is characterized by the absence of prominent opponents, with notable contenders withdrawing from the race, alleging intimidation by authorities. The Electoral Administration has dismissed these claims, further intensifying doubts about the election's fairness. Al-Sisi's administration also faces significant challenges, including managing the economic crisis and navigating conflicts on Egypt's border, notably the ongoing war in Gaza.

His objectives for another term involve tackling economic crises like inflation and foreign currency shortages while also addressing regional security concerns. However, as mentioned before, critics perceive the election as a facade due to the absence of genuine opposition and years of suppression against dissent. The government portrays this as a step towards pluralism.

Now, as the country anticipates the results on December 18, questions are largely looming on the legitimacy and fairness of the process. Al-Sisi's tenure is marked by the consolidation of power and a controversial crackdown on dissenting voices, creating a contentious political environment in Egypt. However, the question remains: Is he all set to get another six-year term?

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