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Ukraine will be able to launch new counter-offensive only in 2025

According to The Wall Street Journal, the next Ukrainian counteroffensive may take place only in the spring of 2025.

The publication article says that Ukraine is in an extremely difficult geopolitical situation. In particular, the Ukrainian side has faced several negative factors: the failure of the summer counteroffensive, the likely suspension of US aid due to internal political disputes in the US Congress, the EU's inability to provide sufficient military support for Ukraine, and the noticeable transition of the Russian economy to a military-driven economy.

"By increasing pressure on Ukraine, Russia shows no signs of abandoning its original military goal of taking over the country," the article says.

The journalists also draw attention to a recent statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in which he announced the construction of defensive fortifications along the frontline. According to the authors of the publication, this is evidence that the war is entering a new phase. While at the beginning of the full-scale war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine resorted to maneuver defense tactics, now the trench warfare tactics that were used in Donbas after 2014 are returning. 

If Ukraine and its allies can overcome the current difficulties and continue to supply the troops, Western strategists believe the best-case scenario is that next year will be the year of the Ukrainian army's rebuilding. The other hope is that Russia will lose a lot of momentum in its attempts to break down the Ukrainian defense. Ultimately, this should mean that in the spring of 2025, Ukraine will again have the potential to attack - if it survives 2024, the article says. 

Also read this US says Iran is directly involved in attacks on Israel and ships in Red Sea 

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