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Iran Nuclear Talks | EU: What can be negotiated has been negotiated | Latest World News |

 Our top focus at this hour an agreement to restore  the 2015 Iran Nuclear deal between Tehran and World powers could be near. This says European Union has now submitted a funnel text to Salvage the high stakes agreement amid at curbing iran's nuclear program . This comes amid a new round of new talks in Vienna . 

Iran Nuclear Talks | EU: What can be negotiated has been negotiated | Latest World News |

EU  foreign policy chief Giuseppe Burrell said that the latest in direct you mediated talks  focused on technical adjust to a text he proposed last month.  He added that this text is now of final 1 and cannot be amended by any father of the revival of the agreement now with political decisions in Theron and Washington .  While U.S has said that it is ready to quickly reached an agreement to revive the deal on the basis of the E U proposal .

 Iranian officials have said they would convey the additional views and considerations to the  European Union regarding the agreement. EU’S proposal comesThe Day After Iran's foreign Mr said that the outcome of the ongoing talks depends entirely on washington's flexibility. Iran has been demanding the lifting of sanctions imposed by Washington on Tehran . 

Iran has repeatedly insisted that the Nuclear deal is of no value to the country is sanctions are not listed the 2015 Accord agreed by Iran us China Russia Britain France and Germany offered  Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for clubs on its nuclear program run however intensified  its nuclear advances of the US on the Trump administration backed out from  the deal in the year 2018 fresh negotiations revive the 2015 nuclear accord started in April last year however with frequent halt negotiations since then the countries have failed to revise the deal so far .

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