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Biden's 'consequence' warning to Saudi; U.S vows ‘revenge’ after snub by OPEC-Russia oil axis


U.S Warns Saudi Arabia After OPEC’S Oil Cut Announcement 

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Biden's 'consequence' warning to Saudi; U.S vows ‘revenge’ after snub by OPEC-Russia oil axis

U.S President Joe bIden to re-evaluate relationship with Saudi Arabia .

Biden has also vowed of Consequences for Riyad after OPEC decision .

White press secretary said a policy review would be conducted but gave no time for action or information on who could lead the re-evaluation.

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U,S Warns Saudi Arabia 

There will be consequence for U.S relationship with Saudi Arabia after OPEC announcement last week . I thin the president been very clear that this is a relationship that we need to continue to re-evaluate that we need to be willing to revisit.Certainly in light of the OPEC decision I think thats where president biden is.” (White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Perre)

Warning came day after Chairman of U.S senate panel on foreign relations said that the U.S must immediately freeze all cooperation with Saudi ,including arms sales .

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The Saudi Vs U.S faceoff began after the 13-nation OPEC cartel and its 10 allies headed by Moscow last week announced to cut oil production from November .

The OPEC + HAS decided to slash oil output by about two million barrels per day.

Triggering the fear that global oil price could soar further . The U.S has accused Saudi of kowtowing to Russia , which objects to a western cap on the price of Russian oil spurred by the Ukraine invasion .

U,S Officials had been quietly trying to persuade its biggest arab partner to nix the idea of a production cut but Saudi de facto ruler Muhammad Bin Salman was not swayed .

Left with no choice U.S Has warned Riyadh and will be watching the situation closely over the coming weeks and months according to the white house .

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